Monday, April 2, 2007

Vegging out.

Another gray day here and quite frankly I had already gone to the supermarket this morning to buy peanut butter, milk and OJ, and I couldn't face going back for dinner. We had quite a few fresh veggies in the bin, and I was anxious to use them before they went slimy.

I made some sushi rice, steamed some beautiful thick asparagus in one pan, and sauteed some baby bella mushrooms in a little peanut oil in another. I cooked the mushrooms for about 3 minutes, then added in a mixture of soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, a couple cubes of frozen ginger and a little sugar. I let that cook down until there was barely any liquid left. I also had a handful of sugar snap peas that I threw into the hot water that had steamed the asparagus. I pulled those out after 30 seconds just until their color perked up and served those along side the asparagus.

It was a simple, quiet dinner. Emma was at an extended play date/dinner with a friend, so it was just Abby, Kirk and I. We enjoyed eating asparagus with our fingers, and Abby even tried sesame seeds. She picked them out of the palm of my hand, ate a few, then decided they weren't for her. She ate most of the asparagus, as well as the rice and some mushrooms.

I love vegging out for dinner!

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