Sunday, April 29, 2007

Spare ribs revisited

Aren't Sunday's supposed to be a day of relaxation? I try desperately not to schedule anything during the weekends, but today was packed full of exciting events for my lucky children. The day began with horseback riding lessons, followed by a couple hour break for me with the arrival of our babysitter. Upon return, I took the kids to a bubble show, then ran them to softball practice, where upon arrival I realized I had left the mitt at home! Ugh...

That said, we had bought pork ribs to make the girls now favorite meal, Chinese spareribs. We didn't follow a recipe like they did with Papa, oh no, tonight Mom's in charge. I had the girls measure out a couple tablespoons of soy sauce, mixed in about 3 tbs. of honey, a 1/4 C. hoisin sauce and a 1/4 C. of plum sauce. They stirred the whole mess around the pork ribs, and baked them in a 425 degree oven for about 40 minutes. They were sticky and delicious. We ate it with some leftover rice from a few nights ago and a bunch of raw celery sticks.

We are all tired from our Un-Sunday. Monday's gotta be better than this!

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