Sunday, April 8, 2007

Hoppy Easter.

Is beginning the day with Skittles and a Twix bar a bad thing? The girls came downstairs this morning and were thrilled to find Easter baskets filled with goodies. I said, "let 'er rip, it's Easter." Truth is, even though there are so many more holidays that are being defined by candy, the girls don't eat candy all that often and if they want to start 5 days of the year with candy, that's ok with me.

We had 13 kids over today for Egg hunting while the 10 adults drank coffee and enjoyed a leisurely Sunday together. Everyone had a good time, and after the last person left, I went upstairs for a decadent Sunday afternoon nap.

I couldn't bear cooking tonight, so we had the ever popular Chinese takeout. The girls are expanding their rather limited repertoire of spareribs and rice to include won ton soup, moo shu pork (which they loved tonight), and the vegetables they picked out of the sesame chicken.

I'm having dinner with the class moms tomorrow night, so Kirk and the girls are on their own. Will they shop to cook a meal, eat peanut butter, or do take out again?

Tune in to find out...

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