Monday, April 30, 2007

Last night of leftovers

It was a beautiful warmish springtime day here, the perfect day to...pick weeks. We spent the better part of the day picking pachysandra. We had our dear friends from up the street over to help us finish the last of the leftovers from Saturday's party.

I heated up the grilled pizza's in the oven, 1 was a fontina with chicken and apple sausage, spinach, onion and mushroom, and the other was Margherita. I heated up the last of the crispy wings, and made a large salad tossed with dried cranberries and feta cheese. I was out of lemon, so used the juice of a lime, a lot of black pepper, olive oil and kosher salt. It was tangy and refreshing.

The girls went to bed late, and I'm off to soak in the tub and gear up for another day of weeding.

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