Friday, May 25, 2007

Communal parenting

I took the girls to a friends house for a dip in the pool this afternoon. We ended up staying for dinner as each our spouses were away and thought feeding them with 2 adults would certainly be easier than going it alone. It's always interesting to get a peek into how other people eat dinner.

We ordered Chinese takeout and with 5 girls it was a busy dinner table. We did everything in an assembly line. It was rather comical that one girl would spill soup, then another milk, etc...

We all ate together, and I didn't worry about whether food was being eaten with utensils or fingers, just that food was being eaten. The girls really worked up an appetite after playing outside all day long.

I have 2 beautiful hangar steaks that I was planning on grilling tonight with some broccoli and baked potatoes, but that meal will have to wait until tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you know if hangar steaks are the same as beef chuck flat iron steak?