Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sweet and Sour pork tenderloin

It's been one of those weeks where I feel like I've been going to the supermarket every day, and it's only Tuesday!!

I bought 2 pork tenderloins today and marinated them in 1 1/2 C. of store bought sweet and sour sauce and 1 C. of pineapple juice. I sliced an onion and baked the pork, sauce and onion in the oven at 425 in a deep casserole (or brownie) dish for about 35 minutes.

I also made some white rice and a salad.

One daughter had a total hissy fit when she saw the dinner and was promptly sent to her room, and the other one made a face at first and after insisting she eat 1 bite, she proceeded to eat 3 slices of the tenderloin.

We enjoyed the pork and rice and I am gearing up for the next 10 years of female adolescence!!!

Any advice for maintaining sanity???

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