Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Duality dinners

I knew they were going to be unhappy... I took Emma with me to pick up two beautiful 1 1/2 lb. steamed lobsters. We bought a little coleslaw and some cherry stone clams for tomorrow night's soup. Emma held her nose the entire time we were at the fish store, proclaiming, "this place stinks!" I had to laugh, it's such a kid thing to say.

I bought 5 more ears of fresh corn while picking up supplies for work tomorrow and some chicken for the girls. I so rarely serve 2 things for dinner, Kirk and I ended up incorporating a bit of theirs into ours and we insisted they try a bite of the lobster.

I tried using a little reverse psychology telling the girls, "here's a small bite, but if you like it, I'm sorry, I can't give you any more." That sooooo didn't work. Emma (very dramatically) spit her minuscule bite on the table and Abby basically swallowed hers whole an chugged it down with water!

The Swiss Chard went down better!

I'm sure there will be quite a story to tell about the girls making the New England Clam Chowder...

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