Sunday, September 30, 2007

Super salads

Did another weekend wedding. Here's a picture of me with 130 salads that we just plated. I made a nice lemon basil vinaigrette:

1/2 C. lemon juice
1 handful fresh basil or 4-6 cubes frozen basil
2 cloves garlic or 2 cubes frozen garlic
1/2 sliced red onion
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil

Add first 4 ingredients into a blender and when combined, slowly drizzle olive oil in until the dressing emulsifies. Taste and season with salt and pepper.

It was a beautiful sunny fall day here and we hung out, rode bikes to the beach and are planning to have leftovers from last night:
rice, green beans, carrots and coconut shrimp.

Will let you know how the kids like the "chicken"...

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