Sunday, October 26, 2008

Homemade apple sauce

We have a bowl of apples sitting on our counter from our apple picking venture a couple weeks ago. They look too old to eat, but too good to throw out.

I made apple sauce (and bread) this morning and it was the easiest and fastest thing ever.

There are exactly 3 ingredients.

apples ( I peeled and cored about 8)
about 1/2 C. of water
about 1/4 C. of sugar

Throw everything in a pot, cover and let boil until the apples are soft. Using a hand held blender, puree until smooth. I am going to try using agave the next time I made this and see how it turn out. If you try it, let me know.

Transfer to a bowl and cool in the refrigerator. We ate it for dessert tonight and my littlest requested it for breakfast.

The bread I made was the no-knead one I did last year (the recipe is somewhere in the blog) with black pepper and Parmesan. It is easy, but NOT fast. It takes almost 2 days. It was delicious and we enjoyed it fresh from the oven this morning for breakfast.

Dinner was pounded boneless, skinless chicken thighs that I dredged in panko, a little Greek Seasoning and a dash of garlic salt. Brown them in a large nonstick pan with a little bit of oil (I used Safflower).

You don't need to cook them all the way through because they will get transferred to the oven at 350 for about 15 more minutes. I boiled a little pasta and peas with Parmesan cheese.

It is 7 p.m., lunches are made, clothes are put away, and the kids are blessedly asleep. I am going to crawl into bed early and get a good nights sleep.

Try the apple sauce, it is delicious.

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