I would genuinely like to know what those of you who read my blog have for dinner. Don't worry, I won't laugh, is it PB&J? cereal?
I have an insanely busy weekend here, we are shooting a pilot for a cooking show, it's not my show, but they are going to use me cooking to pitch the show, so who knows...
I am doing a post wedding brunch Sunday morning then a wedding Sunday afternoon at which point I will probably collapse!!!
YIKES... you definitely will not be reading any blog entries for the next 3 days at least.
However, I would LOVE to read what you out there are having for dinner. Come on, I'm curious...
Anyhow, I went to an amazing concert last night in Fairfield. It was the English Beat, for those of you who were into music in the 80's, they were the band after the Specials and before General Public. It was a most incredible evening. Needless to say, I am dragging hiney a bit today.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend, enjoy your bbq's...